Why your ads might be underperforming: Is it the channel or you?

In our world, it’s not uncommon to hear statements like, “Meta Ads don’t work for us,” or “LinkedIn Ads are a waste of money.” I’ve lost count of how many times brands, especially in the B2B space, have dismissed entire channels because their ads didn’t deliver the expected results. But here’s the hard truth: most of the time, it’s not the channel that’s the problem—it’s you.

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What’s going wrong?

When ads don’t perform as expected, it’s easy to point fingers at the platform. However, blaming the channel often overlooks the more likely culprits: poor creatives, weak copy, ineffective targeting, or a landing page that doesn’t convert. Before you abandon a platform, take a closer look at these six critical elements of your ads.

1) Ad creative: Tailor it to the platform

Every platform has its own unique style and audience expectations. What works on TikTok isn’t necessarily going to fly on Meta (formerly Facebook). For example, Salesforce excels at tailoring its creative to each platform. On TikTok, they use native, talking-head style videos that feel right at home in users’ feeds, resulting in a top 5% clickthrough rate.

Saleforce's TikTok ad

Meanwhile, their Meta ads are more static and focus on a clear ROI, appealing directly to the more analytical mindset of Meta users.

Saleforce's Meta ad

The key takeaway? Don’t use a one-size-fits-all approach. Your ad creative needs to feel natural and engaging on the platform where it’s being displayed.

2) Copy: Speak the language of your audience

Creative is crucial, but your ad copy is what truly drives results. If your message isn’t clear, compelling, or relevant to your audience, your ads will fall flat. A slight tweak in wording can significantly impact your return on ad spend (ROAS). The best copy resonates with your target audience, speaking their language and addressing their pain points.

Not sure if your copy is hitting the mark? Consider hiring a professional copywriter who understands your audience and can craft a message that converts.

3) Forms: Keep them simple

Imagine clicking on an ad, only to be met with a form that feels more like a tax return than a simple sign-up. If your forms are too long or complicated, you’re likely losing potential customers right at the finish line. Take a cue from Artlist, whose TikTok ads direct users to a clean, simple form that’s quick and easy to fill out—no one wants to spend 10 minutes on a form.

Artlist's TikTok ad

Also, don’t forget about your post-signup communication. Make sure your follow-up emails are welcoming and reinforce the value of what the customer signed up for.

4. Call to action (CTA): Make it irresistible

Your CTA should do more than just tell people what to do next—it should compel them to take action. Consider if your offer is valuable and appealing to your target audience. For instance, Liquid Death nails this with CTAs like “It sold out once, it will sell out again,” creating a sense of urgency and FOMO (fear of missing out). Your CTA needs to strike an emotional chord that motivates your audience to act now, not later.

5. Audience targeting: Are they even there?

Before you spend money on ads, ensure that your ideal customer profile (ICP) is actually active on the platform. It might seem obvious, but it’s a step that’s often overlooked. For example, if you’re selling enterprise B2B software, Snapchat probably isn’t where your customers are hanging out. Make sure the platform aligns with where your audience spends their time.

6. Landing pages: Keep it consistent

If your ad promises one thing and your landing page delivers something slightly different, you’ve lost the customer’s trust before you’ve even started. Consistency is key. If someone clicks on an ad for a black t-shirt, make sure the landing page showcases that exact black t-shirt—not a different color or style. The copy, CTA, and overall message should flow seamlessly from the ad to the landing page.

The bottom line

Before you decide that a particular channel just doesn’t work for your brand, take a hard look at these six aspects of your ad strategy. More often than not, it’s not the platform that’s the problem—it’s the execution. And one final tip: walk through the customer journey yourself. Many B2B companies are too focused on making things easy for sellers rather than buyers, which can create unnecessary friction in the purchasing process.

By refining your approach and truly understanding your audience, you might just find that the channel you were ready to give up on can actually deliver the results you’re looking for.

Want to brainstorm with our team on new ways to scale your business with YouTube Ads (and other performance video platforms)?

Join us for a free YouTube ad brainstorming session👇

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Holly Preston, Lead Copywriter

Holly is behind most of Inceptly's successful creatives, supporting the team with her experience and imagination, making her an invaluable asset to Inceptly.

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