Google Updates Performance Max Campaign Modification Request Form

Google has recently updated its official form for requesting modifications to Performance Max campaigns. These changes are designed to streamline the process and offer more flexibility to advertisers. Here’s a quick rundown of what’s new:

  • 🛎️ A new notification has been added to advise advertisers that requesting changes through a standard or administrator account can help speed up the implementation process.
  • ✅ Yes/No questions have been introduced to determine if the user has admin or standard access to the account.
  • 📝 The “Type of Change” field now offers a multi-option selection, allowing users to request multiple changes with a single form submission.
  • 🗑️ A new option has been introduced to request the removal of negative keywords.


This update is announced by Hana Kobzová on her LinkedIn profile.

You can access to the form for requesting changes here.


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