Google Bidding Changes: Say Goodbye to Enhanced CPC (ECPC)

In a recent update, Google announced that the Enhanced Cost-Per-Click (ECPC) bid strategy will be phased out for search and display campaigns. Starting in October 2024, ECPC will no longer be available for new campaigns. Existing campaigns using ECPC can continue until March 2025, after which they will automatically migrate to Manual CPC.

How to transition smoothly

To avoid disruptions, start transitioning to a new bid strategy. During this time, monitor performance closely and adjust budgets or targets as needed to maintain your campaign’s results.

Which bid strategies should you use?

With ECPC being phased out, here are a few alternatives:

  • Maximize conversions or target CPA: Ideal for those looking to optimize for the highest number of conversions within a target CPA.
  • Maximize conversion value or target ROAS: Perfect if your goal is to maximize revenue and return on ad spend.
  • Maximize clicks or impressions (CPM): If you prioritize traffic or visibility, these strategies are a good fit.
  • Pay per conversion (display only): Available for eligible campaigns, this option lets you pay only for successful conversions.

Why ECPC is being retired

ECPC helped boost conversions by adjusting manual bids, but Google’s newer automated strategies like Target CPA and ROAS have become more effective, making ECPC less relevant.

For more information read Google’s official announcement here.

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