6 Copywriting Strategies You Can Use to Create Viral YouTube Videos

Imagine this: your brand isn’t a household name, but your YouTube ad suddenly starts spreading like wildfire—millions of views, shares pouring in, and your product flying off the shelves. Sound impossible? It’s not. Smaller, lesser-known brands have cracked the viral code by crafting irresistible video content that makes people click, watch, and share. The magic? It’s all in the copy.

And in this article, we’re serving up six copywriting recipes that’ll make your viewers’ thumbs itch to smash that share button.

We’re going to share six copywriting strategies that have turned underdog brands into viral sensations. These aren’t your run-of-the-mill, big-budget campaigns. These are clever, actionable strategies—backed by real-world examples—that you can apply to your own brand. So buckle up, because, by the end, you’ll be armed with the tools to create viral content for your next YouTube campaign, no matter how small your brand may be.

So whether you’re a local business or a startup on a shoestring budget, keep reading, ‘cos these tactics can work for you too.

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1) Drip marketing with storytelling

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Strategy: Drip marketing is a long-term engagement tool that involves releasing a series of videos that tell a cohesive story over time. This strategy not only keeps your audience engaged but also builds anticipation, encouraging them to return for the next installment. It works well for brands with a complex message or multiple features to showcase gradually.

Example: Greggs’ Vegan Sausage Roll Campaign

Greggs parodied the polished, techy tone of Apple’s iPhone commercials to introduce their vegan sausage roll. By positioning the product as a revolutionary “tech” launch in a hilarious 37-second video, Greggs built curiosity and momentum. It was shared widely across social media, gaining 5 million views in just 10 days.

Takeaway: Start by crafting a narrative that can be revealed in parts. Each video should contribute to a larger story arc, leaving viewers wanting more. You could introduce a character in your first video and show their journey through subsequent releases, always dropping a teaser for the next episode.

2) User-generated content (UGC)

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Strategy: Leverage user-generated content to build authenticity and trust. UGC gives customers a voice and allows them to naturally promote your brand. People trust content from real users more than they do polished corporate ads, making UGC a powerful way to boost engagement and virality.

Example: CarMax’s Response to the Viral Honda Accord Video

When a user posted a video trying to sell his girlfriend’s old Honda Accord, CarMax responded with their own video, offering to buy the car and everything else in the user’s ad—right down to the worn-out coffee mug. CarMax’s humorous response earned over 400,000 views and drove significant engagement by playing off authentic, user-generated content.

Takeaway: Encourage your customers to share their stories. Whether it’s through testimonials, challenges, or creative submissions, UGC adds a layer of authenticity that can’t be faked. Interacting with and amplifying UGC will also build a stronger community around your brand.

3) Creating urgency with limited-time offers

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Strategy: Creating a sense of urgency is a time-tested direct-response marketing tactic that works especially well in video content. Highlight the scarcity of your product or offer, and build excitement by giving your audience limited time to act. This prompts fast decisions and high engagement rates.

Example: Montu’s Crowdfunding Campaign

Montu, a cannabis healthcare provider, ran a successful crowdfunding campaign that raised $1 million in just 13 minutes. The video they produced focused on creating a sense of urgency and exclusivity, offering investors a limited window to get involved in their innovative ecosystem. This strategic move quickly captured attention and led to rapid funding.

Takeaway: Highlight limited availability or time-sensitive deals in your videos. Use language like “Only available for 24 hours” or “Limited stock available” to create a fear of missing out (FOMO) and spur viewers into immediate action.

4) Surprise and delight with unexpected twists

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Strategy: People love surprises, especially in video content. An unexpected twist or punchline can turn an average video into something worth sharing. By building anticipation and then delivering the unexpected, you keep viewers engaged and eager to pass the surprise along.

Example: Range Rover Evoque’s Speedbump Stunt

Range Rover set up a massive speed bump on a busy street, showing regular cars struggling to cross it. At the climax of the video, the Range Rover Evoque effortlessly conquers the obstacle, surprising viewers and emphasizing the car’s superior capability. The clever reveal helped the video go viral, as people shared it to see others’ reactions.

Takeaway: Use unexpected moments to surprise your audience. This could be a product reveal, a plot twist, or a sudden comedic moment that grabs attention and makes the content shareable.

5) Educational content with entertainment

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Strategy: People love content that teaches them something new, but educational videos don’t have to be boring. By combining useful information with humor, visuals, or engaging storytelling, you can create content that not only informs but also entertains.

Example: Toggl Track’s Time-Tracking Explainer Video

Toggl Track faced the challenge of explaining a somewhat dull and complex product—time-tracking software—in an engaging way. Their solution was an entertaining explainer video that broke down the features in simple, humorous ways, making the product feel fun and approachable. This blend of education and entertainment led to widespread sharing and engagement.

Takeaway: Present your product as the solution to a problem, but do so in a way that’s engaging and enjoyable to watch. Add humor, use creative visuals, or craft a memorable character to make your content stand out.

6) Think outside of the box

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Strategy: Dare to be different and embrace the absurd.

Example: Cart Whisperer – World Premiere

This ad is bonkers and I LOVE it. This bizarre video is a masterclass in outside-the-box marketing. Its sheer absurdity commands attention by leaving viewers thinking “What the hell is going on here?” The urge to make sense of the nonsense keeps them glued to their screens. And their burning curiosity drives them to click through to the landing page just to figure out what they watched. The real genius is in not taking the product too seriously. By embracing strange creativity over straight promotion, the video intrigues rather than bores. The weirdness wins.

Takeaway: Most viral ads didn’t rely on massive marketing budgets, they smashed it with fresh, bonkers ideas, a great frontperson, and by daring to be different.

So think BIG. Get weird. Go against the grain.

Final thoughts

Going viral doesn’t require a massive marketing budget or a famous brand name. By leveraging the right copywriting strategies—whether it’s building anticipation through storytelling, creating urgency, or engaging your audience with unexpected twists—you can craft video content that captures attention, drives engagement, and, most importantly, gets shared.

The real key? Keep your messaging authentic, entertaining, and purposeful.

So get those creative juices flowing, stand out from the crowd, and create ads that viewers won’t just watch—they’ll hit that share button faster than you can say “viral.”

Want to brainstorm with our team on new ways to scale your business with YouTube Ads (and other performance video platforms)?

Join us for a free YouTube ad brainstorming session:

Holly Preston, Lead Copywriter

Holly is behind most of Inceptly's successful creatives, supporting the team with her experience and imagination, making her an invaluable asset to Inceptly.

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